Camping Gear If you look at this list and realize you are missing a few items, don't worry. First, see if you can substitute with something you do have; second, ask if you can borrow from friends or family. If you haven't had any luck with those options, you can fill out your gaps with some of our recommendations for top camping gear. Even if you have your tried-and-true setup, it's always fun to check up on the latest and greatest in on Home and Trail Online. Tents Getting the right tent for any outdoor excursion is a must. A solid tent means you stay dry, warm, and get a good night's sleep. A tent should suit a lot of your camping needs, and it should last a while. We have loads of tent reviews, including the best camping tents, top rooftop tents, and our best canopy tent picks. Naturally, there's a considerable price range across genres. Below, you are going to find our best picks in each category. Planning for a camping trip means more than just choosing a destination. Packing the right gear, especially clothing, can make or break your adventure. Let's sort out the essentials together, making sure you'll be comfy and prepared. Start with moisture-wicking underwear. Staying dry is key to staying comfortable, and these bad boys help keep sweat away from your skin. Pair them with T-shirts or tank tops for daytime adventures and long-sleeved sun shirts for extra protection as needed. Don't forget shorts and pants. During the day, shorts can keep you cool, while pants are perfect for colder temperatures or coverage against bugs and rough terrain.
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